FHS Parent-Teacher Conferences Sign-ups Begin (through November 28)

FHS Parent-Teacher Conferences Sign-ups Begin (through November 28)

Fairfield High School's second conference night of the school year is Thursday, December 2. Conferences will run in 15-minute increments and are scheduled with each teacher individually. Parent/Guardian sign-ups begin Tuesday, November 2, and end on Sunday, November 28.

Please contact Roseida Riggs at FHS at 513-942-2999, ext. 2609 for questions, or email [email protected]. Please allow up to 24 hours on school days for a response.

Parents/guardians will have the option this year to attend FHS conferences either VIRTUALLY or IN PERSON. As we continue to navigate through current CDC recommendations, events are subject to change. We will do our best to make accommodations should any changes occur.

*REMINDER: if you choose to attend conferences in person the Fairfield City School District strongly recommends facial coverings regardless of vaccination status.

Schedule your conference from Tuesday, November 2 until Sunday, November 28 at https://www.ptcfast.com/schools/Fairfield_High_School

Visit our website for additional information and instructions for conference scheduling: www.fairfieldcityschools.com

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