To FHS Parents - 2024-25 Teacher Conference Dates, Times & How to Sign up Info Now Available!

2024 - 2025 School Year Teacher Conferences

Welcome to Fairfield High School conference scheduling. FHS uses the online scheduling service PTCfast to streamline the process for parents/guardians. Please see the detailed instructions below for how to register and schedule conferences.
All conferences at FHS are appointment only and held in 15-minute increments with each teacher. Please be considerate of the teachers’ and staff member's time; if you feel the need for additional time outside of the standard appointment, please contact your student’s teacher or guidance counselor directly to see what arrangements can be made to accommodate your needs.
DO NOT sign up with multiple teachers for the same time slot – CONFERENCES WILL AUTOMATICALLY BE CANCELLED.
**Scheduling dates will be available through the website and parent emails. Make sure you are signed up to receive email announcements from FHS; conference sign-up dates are specific & time-sensitive. Please use the following link to sign up.**
For FCSD Parents » Parent Email News Sign Up
or use the QR code:
QR code for parents to schedule teacher conferences
2024 - 2025 Conference Dates for FHS
Day Date Time
Thursday 9/19/24 3:30-7:00 p.m.
Thursday 10/17/24 3:30-7:00 p.m.
Thursday 12/5/24 3:30-7:00 p.m.
Thursday 2/13/25 3:30-7:00 p.m.
  • If you would like to schedule a conference for a date outside of what is listed above, please contact the teacher directly.
  • Appointment requests for the guidance department or administration are unable to be scheduled through PTCFast.
PTCFast Scheduling Instructions:
    (only use this URL or QR code above)
  2. Select the first teacher that you would like to schedule a conference with. SUBMIT
  3. You will be prompted to enter your student’s information and your email address.SUBMIT
  4. You will receive an email with a link to pick the actual conference time. After selecting the time, you may choose to schedule with another teacher and/or select another student. REGISTER FOR ADDITIONAL CLASSES
  5. After you have scheduled all of your conferences: CONFIRM SELECTIONS AND EXIT
A copy of the above information is available for download below.